Fondazione Paracelso is managed by a Board of Directors, assisted by a committee for social projects and a scientific committee. All the company positions are filled by volunteers and are unpaid. The composition of the statutory bodies is as follows.

Board of Directors
Andrea Buzzi (President), Franco Backhaus (Vice President), Giuseppe Ruperto, Anna Fragomeno ed Ezio Zanon.

Scientific Committee 
Luigi Piero Solimeno (President), Alberto Cantaluppi, Augusto Federici.

Social Projects Committee
Sabrina Terazzi (President), Samanta Gallo, Nicola Ceresi.

Auditors' Board
Roberto Capone (President), Giacomo Alberto Bermone, Maria Rita Astorina.


Cristina Ielo, Alba Piscone and Marco Follino are in charge of the day-to-day operation of Fondazione Paracelso and the coordination of its activities.

Fondazione Paracelso Onlus - Via Veratti 2 - 20155 Milano - Tel +39 02 33004126 - privacy - credits